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Join or Die: Benjamin Franklin Birthday

Benjamin Franklin birthday thunderhead works join or die




January 17 is Ben Franklin’s birthday, so let’s hear some of that sage advice he was so fond of giving.

In 1754 Franklin created this Join or Die woodcut, an early political cartoon. It encouraged colonies (from New England to South Carolina) to unite with Britain against the French and Indians.

Over the years, Franklin’s shifted his sentiments. Britain moved from ally to  foe, and France from foe to ally. And this cartoon morphed into a symbol for colonists to join forces in the struggle for independence from Britain. Franklin expressed the same sentiment at the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, “We must all hang together or assuredly we shall all hang separately.”

Now we’re not so worried about one island nation. Today The Movement struggles against the monster of injustice, racism, greed, poisoning the planet, violations of personal dignity. Most of the earth’s people are, to varying degrees, oppressed, exploited, not fully free.

Every unjust system is connected. Likewise, every small movement and struggle—for justice, dignity, freedom, equality and the ability to live full lives—is connected.

So, join or die. In honor of Franklin, look for a way to join with others to make a better world for all its people.


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