Check out the 20 Top Insights for Making Ideas Happen from 2012 from Behance. Insights from how Obama Gets Things Done to Why Boredom is Good for Your Creativity. Some helpful videos. And finally, a few favorite tweets from 2012, including this: “The fastest way to change yourself is to hang out with people who are already the way you want to be.”
Solve two needs at once and you’re way ahead. Bould is a great example; it combines the needs of Habitat for Humanity with that of professionals seeking LEED certification (LEED is a certification system for green building). Bould creates greener, more affordable housing while helping professionals gain the certification that can help them get a job. To date, the effort has built 27 green homes and helped 225 people get the 50 hours of experience needed to take the LEED exams.
A Plethora of Posts. Alltop has links to more than 100 nonprofit-focused blogs and lists each one’s five most recent posts.
“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” —Peter Drucker
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