As I mentioned last week, I’ve used two excellent books in my nonprofit marketing class at the Clinton School of Public Service. If you’re responsible for this area in your organization, you should read both.
The second is The Nonprofit Marketing Guide by Kivi Leroux Miller. The book grew out of a rightly perceived need of small nonprofits with small staffs whose communications or marketing teams were overwhelmed and couldn’t do it all, nor could they pay a multitude of consultants. The result is self-described as “part real-world survival guide and part nitty-gritty how-to handbook for busy nonprofit marketers with small budgets and staff, including executive directors who are asked to do it all.” Judging from my own experience and that of my students, I agree Leroux Miller’s assessment.
She begins with the realities of today’s nonprofit world and a succinct overview of marketing (my experience is that most nonprofit marketers didn’t major in business). Then, while using the time-tested basics of traditional marketing, Leroux Miller takes you step-by-step through how to make a “quick and dirty” marketing plan, cutting through much of the hoopla to get what you actually need. Identifying the audience, honing the message, telling the story and creating the marketing channels—all told from the perspective of someone who’s lived it and been around it with many colleagues.
The next section is the importance of (and how-to) building a community of supporters. And the final on is on how to do it yourself without doing yourself in. The entire book is as helpful as advertised: High-impact, low-cost ways to build support for your good cause.
There is a parallel world of practical help at her website: Nonprofit Marketing Guide with a blog, frequent webinars, e-books (including How to Write a Nonprofit Annual Report). All very practical, all tested.
So between these two books and web sites (see full page) you have the fundamentals for launching into successful nonprofit marketing. These two women have had a great impact on making the world a better place by making those who want to make the world a better place better at their calling. Thanks, Katya and Kivi!
Take a look at my website and my new ebook which is based on my experiences here in Arkansas.
Thanks so much for using the book and I’m glad you found it helpful! Finishing up the second book now, on content marketing specifically.