While the many of us who recently experienced the Polar Vortex and may find it hard to imagine, the polar ice cap is, in fact, in real trouble. The trend is undeniable: the sea ice is disappearing. This video by Greenpeace UK is an excellent way to bring the story to light. But it has […]
Archive | Video
Fresh Air and Bottles
Thanks to Adam at Osocio, we’ve learned about Fresh Air by Dupé. Here are the air selections. And here’s a video on using less plastic from Good (via Smart Planet). Americans are tossing 2.5 million plastic water bottles every hour.
Seek Shelter from Michele Bachmann
A campaign from Climate Name Change suggests we begin to name hurricanes and other extreme storms after climate change deniers. Since 1954, the World Meteorological Organization has been naming extreme storms after people. As scientific evidence shows that climate change is creating increasingly frequent and devastating storms, and with climate scientists declaring these extreme weather […]
Heroes Next Door
Every year since 2007, CNN has highlighted people making a difference in their corner of the world. In this story, after losing his son, Emilio, to cancer in 2000, Richard Nares began a program called “Ride with Emilio” to provide low-income child cancer patients with transportation.
Nonprofit Helps 25
Advertising for a Cause. I’m adding to my blog roll the website Osocio, which highlights the “best of non-profit advertising and marketing for social causes.”
Imagine a World Without Hate
Just a short piece that celebrates 100 years of the Anti-Defamation League work to create a world without hate.
Nonprofit Helps 23
Indianapolis Bike Paths. Cities continue to build bike infrastructure (at varying paces) and, as Treehugger reports, the Indianapolis Cultural Trail deserves some attention and congratulations!
Open Culture for the People!
Now that those unspeakable things have happened on Game of Thrones and the season has drawn to an end, you may find yourself wondering what do I watch now? Maybe you should turn to Open Culture.
Top Graduation Speeches
It’s good to hear advice from people who have pioneered, who have accomplished something, who have then struggled to communicate a kernel of wisdom that may help us see our way forward. For this, no season is better than commencement ceremony time. LinkedIn has compiled the Top Graduation Speeches for our open minds. Sleep evangelist Arianna […]
Neil Gaiman Commencement Address
It’s graduation season again, and I watch the Clinton School of Public Service students cross the stage—brighter and more motivated than ever. I’m hopeful because I know (from the previous five years) the kinds of places they’re headed and how they will begin to make their patch of the world a better place. (And as […]