So when I ordered online Manage Your Day-to-Day, featured last week, I was prompted that people who bought this, also bought Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon. Not wanting to appear less bright than those folks, I added it to my basket. And it’s a fun book. Lots of helpful advice, especially in creativity. And […]
Archive | Resources
Manage Your Day-to-Day
Everybody’s abuzz about the new book, Manage Your Day-to-Day, by the folks at 99U. The subtitle—build your routine, find your focus & sharpen your creative mind—pretty much describes the insides. For those of us drawn, for whatever reasons, to the productivity, self-help, get-creative, work-smarter books, this one hums. It’s succinct. Editor Joycelyn […]
Top Graduation Speeches
It’s good to hear advice from people who have pioneered, who have accomplished something, who have then struggled to communicate a kernel of wisdom that may help us see our way forward. For this, no season is better than commencement ceremony time. LinkedIn has compiled the Top Graduation Speeches for our open minds. Sleep evangelist Arianna […]
Why Climate Change is Not an Environmental Issue
Okay, the presentation is not polished, which kind of makes it work. But the message is clear: we can’t treat climate change as just one more cause. In an earlier post, you can see a visualization of how much CO2 we humans spew into the atmosphere daily. Or you can watch this week’s TED talk in which […]
Explore Beautiful Trouble
Last summer, we shared Paul Kuttner’s review of Beautiful Trouble, a Toolbox for Revolution. Kuttner wrote that the book gathers: …a new wave of creativity in political action, from flash mobs and critical mass bike rides to viral videos and culture jamming. People across the globe are taking action in […]
Nonprofit Helps 11
Arise! Today, March 8, is the 101st International Women’s Day. Here are some nice graphics on Pinterest for inspiration and spreading the word. And 10 ways to celebrate it from The Washington Post. Write! In the last post, we mentioned Neil Gaiman. Here, via Aerogram Writers’ Studio, are his Eight Rules of Writing: Write […]
LinkedIn Maps: Visualize your Network
Monday’s post by Stephen Bailey (How-to: Build Your Network, thanks, Stephen!) mentioned LinkedIn’s mapping program. As I read his piece the first time, I clicked on the link, which I then activated. Then I lost myself in the map for a half an hour. All my connections appeared as dots linked by […]
Nonprofit Marketing Books (part 2)
As I mentioned last week, I’ve used two excellent books in my nonprofit marketing class at the Clinton School of Public Service. If you’re responsible for this area in your organization, you should read both. The second is The Nonprofit Marketing Guide by Kivi Leroux Miller. The book grew out of a […]
Americans Who Tell the Truth
A small group has created a cool website called Americans Who Tell the Truth. This link takes you directly to the portraits page where you’ll find paintings of dozens of Americans who have impacted all of our lives in profound ways. Click on each Rob Shetterly portrait to find a short biography about an […]
Resonate: Presentations to Change the World
At the suggestion of a friend (thanks, Karmelle!), I bought Resonate, one of the best books I read last year. Author Nancy Duarte has worked on thousands of presentations, most notably An Inconvenient Truth. In the book, she draws on the likes of Joseph Campbell, Martin Luther King, Martha Graham, Abraham Lincoln and Steve Jobs to illustrate […]